Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ezra and Keaton Up North

We FINALLY have a yard!

Thursday, April 03, 2008


One of our pca friends brought out some orphaned kittens to show me. Of course, they were so tiny and cute that I immediately wanted one. One of the above kittens went to live with my sister and her family and one of them joined my own pack of furry friends. I know that it has been a long time since I blogged, but I am hoping that cute kitten pictures will make up for it.

Bella and friends

Bella gets along well with all the other animals. Keaton seems to think that she is his kitten. If she is playing with Icarus and lets out a meow, Keaton will step between the two cats and check up on her. Ezra, who did not like Icarus at all when I first got him, had an easier time adjusting to the new kitten this time.

Bella in da hood

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Xmas Cat. . .

Icarus helped out with decorating the christmas tree.

Naughty or Nice?

Friday, November 09, 2007

Going Green for Halloween!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Ezra and Icarus

Keaton shows his enthusiasm for getting up early on a Saturday morning to drive to hockey!

Keaton's new little friend

Keaton enjoyed this year's powerhockey tournament so much more than the games - thanks to his new friend Stitch. Keaton spent a large part of his day playing fetch with a waterbottle with Stitch chasing at his heels. Despite the Gladiators defeat in the first game of the tournament, we all enjoyed the warm weather and had fun visiting with the Sammons.

Liz and Stitch

Stitch likes to be held like a baby!

Nice Service Dog!

One thing that I enjoy about going to powerhockey is having the chance to catch up with old friends from camp. Some of them even have service dogs which is fun. I especially like to see other CCI dogs. However, some people claim their dog is a service dog so he can come into public buildings, but the only service the dog offers is barking during games when chairs collide or jumping onto people's laps. I am not going to name any individuals, but please notice the picture of Dustin Sammons and his "service dog" Stitich.

Ezra's new job

Now that Ezra is a retired service dog, he has found himself a new job. At each mealtime Ezra is ready to perform - acting faster than a vacuum cleaner and reacting before food even has the chance to fall on the floor. Ezra carefully positions himself under Jeremy's wheelchair and is redy for action!
I apologize for my lengthy break from blogging. Especially because I missed some key events in the lives of my CCI dogs - Keaton turned three and Ezra became a therapy dog!! Please enjoy these summer pics that I should have posted earlier. . .

Keaton's favorite b-day gifts

Among Keaton's favorite birthday gifts are a giant dog bone and this frog which was a birthday/anniversary gift from Marty. It's true that Frog is Keaton's favorite toy and he welcomed the new one. He and Ezra enjoy playing tug a war with Frog. I warn them they need to be gently after what happened to Frog Sr., but neither seem to take the warning seriously.

Is that Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom?

Look Again!
Don't be fooled by these Pirate of Carribean look-alikes! It is just Ezra and Keaton at Keaton's birthday celebration. (Not pictured - Icarus(who refused to participate))

Hide and Seek

Icarus has a new habit of hiding in our furniture. His new favorite place to sleep is in the storage area of our coffee table. As you can see, he just barely fits. Last week we found him sound asleep in one of the drawers under our futon. At first I was worried that he had been shut in the drawer, but discovered that he can access the drawers through the back of the couch!

Sit Stay Read!

As a therapy dog, Ezra has been visiting the Rochester Public Library where he gets to cuddle with kids as they practice reading to him!

My favorite Tiger

This summer Keaton and I took my nephew Spencer to a fundraiser. A clown at the fundraiser painted Spencer's face. I was amazed with how cool it turned out. On our drive back to his house Spencer spent the entire ride staring in the mirror at his face. I can't say I blame him.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Keaton and the Order of the Phoenix

This is a picture of Keaton at the Imax
watching the 3-D version of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I've been doing some gardening . . .

You've heard of kitty in the keg?

Us at the Stride and Ride!!

Splish Spash!!

With the hot humid summer days here, Jeremy and I decided to purchase a swimming pool for Keaton. As we do not have a lot of space we bought him a small kiddie pool that we could keep on the patio. After getting the pool home, we set it on the patio and filled it with water that evening. The next day I decided to eat lunch on the patio. I made a sandwich and brought out a piece of fruit and a bowl of chips. I was planning on having a relaxing lunch outside while reading a book. Ezra walked onto the patio and sniffed the pool and took a drink. I called Keaton outside and he ran full speed for the pool and dived in!! He started rolling in the pool and splashing all over. My food, my book and I were all drenched!! Keaton really loves his pool.

Monday, June 11, 2007

new FURniture

Jeremy and I finally purchased new furniture. A red futon and a cocktail table. After it was delivered and set up I left the room to go to the bathroom and came back to find the above scene. . . both dogs sprawled across the futon and our cat lounging across the new table!

Keaton and Caitlin Reunited!!

My good friend David, who I met at team training, made a visit to Minnesota and stopped by my apartment. David and I had a nice visit. We shared a lot of our favorite memories from CCI! David also brought along one of Kim's scrapbooks for me to look at. While we visited Keaton enjoyed some time with his former kennel mate Caitlin (doesn't she look like Ezra?).